Cumulative Fire Count


Published by
Vibrant Planet
Last updated on
March 6, 2025


The cumulative fire count data represent the cumulative count of all fires per pixel, with classes of severity, from 1950-2023 across CONUS. Each geotiff has three layers representing the three severity categories of "low", "moderate", and "high". So pfrid[[1]] represents pFRID calculated for just low severity fires. This is a supplemental dataset for the Vibrant Planet pFRID data analysis.

The dataset available for download below corresponds to the findings presented in the publication, " which details the methodology, analysis, and key insights.

For a deeper dive, access the full publication HERE, or read a summary on Vibrant Planet's blog.

Select and Download Data Layers

The interactive map below is a tool designed to help you explore, select, and download tiled datasets organized by the ARD (Analysis-Ready Data) tiling scheme. These tiles serve as reference grids, making it easier to locate the datasets you need for your area of interest.

Here's how to get started: 

1. Explore the Map: Start by zooming in and panning around the map to find the area you’re interested in. The ARD tile grid will act as a guide, outlining the spatial boundaries of the available datasets.

2. Select Your Tiles: Click on one or more tiles to highlight them. Each tile you highlight represents the specific geographic area of the data you’ll download.

3. Review and Adjust Your Selection: Use the checkboxes in the selection list to confirm your choices. If you’ve changed your mind, simply uncheck any tile to remove it from your selection.

4. Download Your Data: Once your selection is finalized, click the ‘Download Data’ button. The datasets associated with your selected tiles will be zipped into a single file for you to download.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

Tile Limitations: For smooth performance, we recommend selecting no more than 50 tiles at a time (approximately 1 GB of data). Larger selections may exceed your browser’s memory capacity and cause issues. If you need more tiles, divide your selection into smaller batches and download them separately.

Dataset Organization: The ARD tiling scheme organizes the datasets, making them easy to integrate into your GIS projects. Depending on the extent you need to analyze, larger datasets can be merged in your GIS software for broader regional analysis. 

Ready to Dive In?

Choose your tiles and hit ‘Download Data’ to get started with your dataset download.

Selected Data Tiles: 


Cumulative Fire Count

Tracks the total number of fires per pixel from 1950 to 2023, categorized by severity.


Direct Download (Full File) - HTTPS Link

Use this link to download the entire file directly to your local storage through the browser. This method is ideal for quick and easy access but requires sufficient local storage and bandwidth for the full download.

What’s inside

Direct Access

Get hands-on access to this dataset using interactive notebooks. Choose between the Google Colab notebook for quick exploration in your browser or access the hosted Jupyter Notebooks via Binder or GitHub for more advanced workflows.

Direct access to the Google Collab notebook

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Click the button to the left to launch an interactive notebook directly in your browser. This pre-configured Colab notebook provides a quick and easy way to explore, visualize, and analyze the data—no setup required.

GitHub hosted Jupyter Notebooks

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Access the full collection of Jupyter Notebooks hosted on GitHub. These notebooks can be used on your local machine or via cloud platforms like Binder or Google Colaboratory, providing flexibility for more advanced customizations.