pFRID 2023: Significant Fire Regime Departures

Masked to Highlight Statistically Significant Deviations

Published by
Vibrant Planet
Last updated on
March 6, 2025


This dataset provides Percent Fire Return Interval Departure (pFRID) estimates based on Vibrant Planet's 2023 analytical approach, with data masked to highlight areas of significant departure. Using a p-value derived from a binomial distribution, the dataset only includes pixels where the null hypothesis significance test yields values ≤ 2.5% or ≥ 97.5%. This masking ensures that the dataset focuses on areas with statistically significant deviations from historical fire frequencies, offering a targeted resource for land managers and researchers.

The dataset spans 17 western U.S. states, with partial coverage in 5 additional states, providing actionable insights for wildfire management and ecological restoration efforts.

The dataset available for download below corresponds to the findings presented in the publication, " which details the methodology, analysis, and key insights.

For a deeper dive, access the full publication HERE, or read a summary on Vibrant Planet's blog.

Selected Data Tiles: 


pFRID 2023: Significant Fire Regime Departures

Highlights statistically significant fire regime deviations, masking areas with p-values ≤ 2.5% or ≥ 97.5%.


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